Dr Grincheva is a conceptual designer of the award-winning application Data To Power, designed for academic inductive research to facilitate the exploration of complex global phenomena through data visualization, mapping, and interactive data storytelling. The application leverages Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to enable multi-layered mapping. This allows researchers to integrate diverse data types by displaying them on separate map layers. This layered approach facilitates the visual analysis of interrelationships, co-existence, and processes within complex phenomena. Data To Power achieves this by enabling researchers to expose and compare different data sets across these layers. Additionally, the application provides an interactive tool for efficient data aggregation. It automates the process of combining large and small datasets from various sources, while also allowing researchers to contextualize the data within their specific research questions.
Click to Learn MoreIn 2024, Dr Grincheva successfully completed a large-scale interdisciplinary research project, Mapping the Global Impacts of Hallyu, The Korean Wave, co-funded by the Korea Foundation. The project advances policy-oriented studies on Hallyu, or the Korean Wave, that refers to the current global spread and impact of creative industries products specific to South Korean popular culture on different parts of the world. Led by Dr Grincheva, the international team of researchers explored the Korean Wave as a highly complex global phenomenon that has different layers of manifestations across multiple stages of its existence from production to consumption in transnational contexts. The project employs data-driven and machine learning approaches combined with traditional qualitative research to measure, map, and predict the spread, reach, intensity and impacts of the Korean Wave across different geo-locations to benefit a more informed, strategic, and evidence-based approach to Hallyu national policy and international diplomacy.
The project resulted in thecreation of the Hallyu Tracker is an AI-enabled data visualization tool designed to map the global dissemination of the Korean Wave over the past three decades. By analyzing more than 300 datasets across diverse variables, the application offers a platform for comprehensive exploration of Hallyu's appeal and target export in correlation to consumption patterns in various geographic locations.
Click to Learn MoreK-Pop as a Liberal Agent? How BTS Digital Fandom challenges Nationalism in China. Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. Seoul, South Korea.
2023Research Methods. In Varela, X. (ed.) Graduate Standards in Arts Administration Education. (pp. 127-134). Association of Arts Administration Educators (AAAE), New York, USA.
2022Digital Cultural Relations: Literature Review. British Council, London, UK.
2014Insights into the Current Practices of ‘Measuring’ Results of Cultural Projects. Coalition for Cultural Diversity, Montreal, Australia.
2012Funding Sources for Cultural Initiatives in ICP countries. Coalition for Cultural Diversity, Montreal, Australia.
Research Associate, Coalition for Cultural Diversity, Montreal, Canada
Conducted research on practices relevant to implementing of the 2005 UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity.
Secretariat Committee Member, UNESCO IFCD, Paris, France
Collaborated with the Secretariat Committee to manage 2011 grant applications to the International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) in the second round of the pilot phase.
Development Assistant, Eurasia Foundation, Washington DC, USA
Coordinated the Bill Maynes Fellowship Program (Fund of Future Leaders of Eurasia); assisted in developing fundraising projects and events.
Assistant to the Managing Director, School of Art, Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, USA
Assisted in organizing exhibitions, openings, concerts and arts events.
Executive Manager, Culture Department, Volga Trade Alliance, Saratov, Russia
Developed, managed and promoted project on Preservation and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage, aimed at creating multimedia software for the 3D-museum simulator.
International Coordinator, Community Arts Group Mistellius, Saratov, Russia
Developed international art projects/programs; supervised fundraising activities and wrote grant proposals; received Grant Award of the European Cultural Foundation (2005) for the Russian-Italian Art Exchange Project.
Project Coordinator, International Photography Association, Marseille, France
Coordinated international art exhibitions in England (May 2004), Russia (April 2003), and France (August 2002).
Research Methodology Lead, Standards on Graduate Program Curricula, Association of Arts Administration Educators, USA.
Steering Committee Member, Communicating the Arts Conference
Journal of Public Diplomacy Board Member, Korean Association for Public Diplomacy, South Korea.
Associate Researcher, International Cultural Relations Research Consultancy, UK.
Associate Researcher, Soft Power Analysis & Resource Centre, Australia.
Storytelling Task Force Committee Member, Europeana, Digital Cultural Heritage Aggregator
Steering Committee Member, Cultural Research Network, USA.
Engagement Committee Board Member, The University of Melbourne, Australia.
Beyond Artificial Intelligence: Connecting Data, Culture, and Community through Creative Smart City Nexus. Presented at the 22nd Urban Forum. Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
2024Mediatization of diplomacy and soft power evaluations: Mapping soft power of global contraflows. Presented online at the Plenary session of the Conference Mediatization versus Datafication: Dialogue of Competition?. Lublin, Poland.
2023Smart Heritage in Smart Cities: Towards Intelligent Data Infrastructures. Presented at the Communicating the Arts Conference. Singapore.
2022The Past, Present and Future of Cultural Diplomacy. Presented online at the international academic conference "Cultural Diplomacy and Cultural Relations: Strengthening Fair Cooperation, Diversity and Dialogue". Belgrade, Serbia.
2020How to Connect and Build Relationships in the Digital Age? The Digital Shift: Digital & AI Week, EU National Institutes for Culture, Brussels, Belgium.
2020Playing with Museum Data: Advancing Digital Humanities Research from Data Aggregation to Data Intelligence. Online Showcase: Approaches to Digital Humanities for Researchers. Melbourne, Australia.
2020Digital diplomacy and soft power of museums. Presented at the ICOM UK Conference in the Digital Soft Power Section "Can Museums and Galleries Save UK Diplomacy? Soft Power in Turbulent Times". Leeds, UK.
2018Boom of the Museum Industry in China. Presented at the Asia Education Foundation & the Confucius Institute, Melbourne, Australia.
2017International Policy Issues in Cultural Entrepreneurship: Who Set Global Cultural Agenda? Cultural Entrepreneurship Program, Cultural Infusion Inc., Melbourne, Australia.
2016Cultural Heritage Spaces as Sites of Cultural Diplomacy. Presented at the Annual Policy Research Group Meeting at Canadian Heritage, Government of Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
Introducing Hallyu Tracker. Presented at the International Symposium "Mapping the Global Impacts of Hallyu, The Korean Wave". LASALLE, University of the Arts Singapore, Singapore.
2024Advancing Public Diplomacy evaluations: AI and predictive analytics to leverage the global power of Hallyu, The Korean Wave. Presented online at the Data For Policy Conference. "Decoding the Future: Trustworthy Governance with AI?". London, UK.
2024From Innovative Methodologies to Creative Mythologies: Understanding digital soft power of heritage media through creative practice. Presented online at the MeCCSA Practice Network Symposium: Creative Practice Research and "Intelligent" Technologies: On the Future of Creativity, Ravensbourne University. London, UK.
2024Decolonizing Cultural Diplomacy as an Academic Discipline. Presented online at the 17th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, University Institute of Lisbon. Lisbon, Portugal.
2024Building Research Culture in Arts Management Higher Education: Celebrating Students Research. Presented online at the Annual Conference of Association of Arts Administration Educators. Universidad Del Sagrado Corazón. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2024Demystifying Hallyu’s Global Reach and Appeal: Experimenting with Big Data. Presented at the International Conference "Mapping and Theorizing Hallyu", Seoul National University. Seoul, South Korea.
2024Alternative Diplomacies: K11 International Artists Residencies as Temporal Meta-Spaces of Democracy in China. Presented at the International Studies Association Conference. San Francisco, USA.
2024Web 3.0 Heritage Diplomacy Towards Deinstitutionalization. Presented online at the International Heritage Symposium. "Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage through Past, Present and Future". University of Bologna. Bologna, Italy.
2023Could Hallyu soft power be quantified and mapped? Presented online at the 2023 International Conference for Public Diplomacy. Seoul, South Korea.
2023Research Advances in the Post-Pandemic Arts Management Education. Presented at the Conference Cultural Management in the Post-Pandemic World. Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong.
2023Community of Critical Digital Practice: Mapping GLAM Soft Power. Presented online at the Panel “International Cultural relations and communities of practice” at the 2023 ENCATC Congress on Cultural Management and Policy. Helsinki, Finland.
2023Advances in Data Storytelling: Telling Interactive Data Stories with Open Ending. Presented online at the Digital Storytelling Virtual Conference. StoryCenter. Berkeley, USA.
2023Expanding International Ecosystem of Arts Entrepreneurship Pedagogy: Creating a New Summer School. Presented at the 2023 AAAE Conference: The Creative Ecosystem: People, Process, Power. New York, USA.
2023Presenting the New Summer School in International Arts Entrepreneurship. Presented remotely at the 2023 Society for Arts Entrepreneurship Education International Online Conference. USA
2023Translating Data to Power: Computation Tools to Assess ‘Soft Power’. Presented online at The Oxford Internet Policy & Politics Conference. University of Oxford. Oxford, UK.
2023Digital Contact Zones of Museum Diplomacy. Presented at the 28th International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies themed ‘Synergies in Intercultural Communication: Languages, Professions and Heritages’. City University of Macau. Macau.
2023Designing Art Metaverse Portal: Converging, creating, experimenting with, and minting crypto arts. Presented online at the 2023 Conference: The Art Museum in the Digital Age. The Belvedere Research Center. Vienna, Austria.
2023Smart Heritage, Smart Cities and Big Data: How to Transform Data Excess into Data Intelligence? Presented online at the Global Digital Humanities Symposium. The Michigan State University. Michigan, USA.
2022From creative to smart cities: Arts data for smart governance. Presented at the 2022 Social Theory, Politics and the Arts Conference. Seoul, South Korea
2022Data intense research and computation tools for cultural diplomacy. Presented online at the Data for Policy Conference. Hong Kong.
2022Alternative Diplomacies: International Artists Residencies as Creative Practices of Democracy in China. Presented online at the 2022 International Conference for Public Diplomacy. Seoul, South Korea.
2022Datafied urban communities: City museums as sites of data practice in smart cities. Presented online at the 2022 International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference. Beijing, China.
2022Beyond the scorecard diplomacy: From soft power rankings to critical inductive geography. Presented online at the Data Power Conference. Bremen, Germany.
2022Dancing in the Metaverse: Designing an interdisciplinary flagship Arts Projects module. Presented online at the AAAE Conference Series: New Directions in Arts Administration. USA.
2021New Turn in Heritage Diplomacy: ‘Intimate’ and ‘Mobile’ Diplomacies. Presented online at the Living Digital Heritage 2021 Conference. Centre for Ancient Cultural Heritage & Environment, Macquarie University. Sydney, Australia.
2021From institutions to spaces: the future of museums in the post-pandemic world. Presented online at the 2021 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society Virtual Conference, National University of Singapore. Singapore.
2021Reviving cultural relations in the post-pandemic world: Employing geo-visualization and AI to leverage and augment the cultural appeal of museums. Presented online at the 2021 Global Humanities Symposium: Observing Cultural Diplomacy. Meridian International Center and the National Endowment for the Humanities. USA.
2021Digital Museum Diplomacy: Presentation of the Monograph. Presented online at the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association. Australia.
2021Connected Intelligence: Reimagining museums through research, teaching and industry connections. Presented online at the AAAE Conference Series: Reimagine/Reconnect/Renew. USA.
2021Long-term research endeavor: Developing trajectories for critical Cultural Analytics and Digital Humanities. Presented online at the Global Digital Humanities Symposium. Meridian. USA.
2021Digital museum diplomacy in the midst of (post) pandemic crisis: Inspiring, educating, contributing to global peace and well-being. Presented online at the Museums and the Web 2021 Conference. USA.
2020Livestreaming Culture: Playing with Europeana. Presented online at the Europeana 2020 Conference: Crisis, Change and Culture. Netherlands.
2020Digital Tourism? Digital Soft Power of Museum in the (Post)Pandemic World. Presented online at the Conference ‘Living with Tourism: Paradoxes, Empowerment and Future Directions’.
2020Industry placements for hands-on learning experiences: Exploring collaborations with creative industries in Melbourne. Presented online at the AAAE Conference Series: 2020 Vision for Student Success. USA.
2020Critical Archiving and Datafication: Overcoming Colonial Legacies. Presented online at the 18th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Siegen, Germany.
2020Smart Museums: Where does Museum Data Fit in a Smart City Data Ecology? Presented online at Museums and the Web 2020 Conference. USA.
2020Forecasting Museum Soft Power: Predicting Attraction Power of Traveling Exhibitions. Museums and the Web 2020 Online Conference. USA.
2019Re-inventing the Past through Singapore Memory Project: Socio-political Complexities of Digital Crowd-sourcing Techniques. Presented remotely at the Digital Humanities Conference ‘Complexities’. Utrecht, Netherlands.
2019Museums in Smart Cities: Urban Soft Power. Presented remotely at the International Communication Association Conference. Washington DC, USA.
2019Beyond ‘State vs Non-state’ Dichotomy: The State Hermitage Museum as a Russian Diplomacy ‘Hybrid.’ Presented remotely at the International Studies Association Conference. Toronto, Canada.
2019The Australian Center for the Moving Image on the Global Map: Geo-visualisation of Soft Power. Presented at the International Digital Curation Conference. Melbourne, Australia.
2018X Design: From Local Connections to Global Impacts. Presented at the MuseumNext Conference. New York, USA.
2018A collaboration between museums, academics, and graduate students: Innovations in Digital Humanities. Presented at the Annual Digital Humanities Australasia Conference ‘Making Connections’. Adelaide, Australia.
2018Measuring ‘Attraction Power’: Australia goes to Asia through Museum Blockbuster. Presented at the ARC International Symposium ‘Rethinking Trans-Asia Media Flows from Australia’. Melbourne, Australia.
2018New Directions in Diplomacy: Geo-visualisation of Soft Power. Presented at the 25th World Congress of Political Science. Brisbane, Australia.
2018Developing Digital Methods to map Museum Soft Power. Presented remotely at the Conference of Digital Humanities Orgnisations: ‘Bridges/Puentes’. Mexico City, Mexico.
2018Economic capital of museum ‘soft power’: Measuring museum impacts through economic activity. Presented at the 20th International Conference on Cultural Economics. Melbourne, Australia.
2018Geography of Museum Influence: Mapping Colonial Legacy. Presented at the International Symposium ‘Geographies of Disruption’. Sydney, Australia.
2018The GuggenTube Phenomenon: Online Power of Global Brands. Presented at the International Conference on Media and Communication. Abu Dhabi, UAE.
2017Mapping Museum Social ‘Ecosystems.’ Presented at the Conference ‘Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities: The cultural value of collections and the creative economy’. Manchester, UK.
2017MCN Scholar Presentation: Mapping Museum ‘Soft Power.’ Presented at the International Museum Computer Network Conference. Pittsburgh, USA.
2017Digital Doorway to Asia: Singapore and its Digital Diplomacy. Presented at the International Conference ‘Other Asians, Asia’s Othering: Inclusionary Utopias, Exclusionary Politics’. Melbourne, Australia.
2017‘Soft Power’ of Museum Blockbusters: Measuring Impacts beyond Economics. Presented at the International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management. Beijing, China.
2017More than a Library: Cultural Diplomacy of Europeana. Presented at the Digital Preservation for the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities Conference. Brighton, UK.
2017Crossing Borders: Global PR of the Hermitage Museum. Presented at the Association of Arts Administration Educators Annual Conference. Edinburgh, UK.
2017Friends of the Hermitage: Non-state Diplomacy of State Actors. Presented at the International Communication Association Conference. San Diego, USA.
2016Post-national cultural diplomacy: A Case study of the global Guggenheim. Presented at the International Studies Association Annual Convention. Atlanta, USA.
2015BRICS Summit diplomacy: Global identities of Russia and China through national media coverage. Presented at the European Consortium for Political Research General Conference. Montreal, Canada.
2015Resisting Western Hegemony: Russian Strategic Communication through the BRICS Diplomacy. Presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference. Montreal, Canada.
201545 min workshop ‘Digital Diplomacy: Dialogue or Propaganda?’ Presented at the 13th International Conference ‘From Digital Humanities to a Humanities of a Digital’. Vancouver, Canada.
2015‘Let’s start a YouTube revolution’: Fighting against YouTube on YouTube. Presented at the Symposium ‘What's New about New Media? The Technology of Protest Past and Present’. Ottawa, Canada.
2014Democracy for Export. Presented at the ‘Museums and Politics’ UNESCO Conference. Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
2014Cultural Dimension of Sustainable Development. Presented at the 18th International Conference on Cultural Economics. Montreal, Canada.
2014The Virtual Museum of the Pacific - Epistemological Clashes in Cultural Preservation. Presented at the 12th International Conference ‘New Directions in the Humanities’. Madrid, Spain.
2013Cultural Diplomacy beyond Governmental Control: A Museum Voice in seeding ‘Imperial’ Cosmopolitanism. Presented at the Conference ‘Challenges, Disconnects, and Clashes in Political Studies’. Montreal, Canada.
2013A Failure of Digital Diplomacy: Social, Cultural, and Information Boundaries in Online Cross-cultural Communication. Presented at the Social Informatics Research Symposium: The Social Informatics of Information Boundaries. Montreal, Canada.
2013Cultural Heritage Online on the Service of Digital Diplomacy. Presented at the World Social Science Forum. Montreal, Canada.
2013Bridging Cultures in the Information Age: Dialogical Approaches in Theorizing Digital Diplomacy. Presented at the Digital Transformers Symposium. Manchester, UK.
2012Cultural Diversity Online: Digital Diplomacy Negotiations. Presented at the 38th Social Theory, Politics and the Arts Conference. Baton Rouge, USA.
2012Online Museum as a ‘Civic Laboratory.’ Presented at the 4th ICTs and Society-Conference: Towards Critical Theories of Social Media. Uppsala, Sweden.
2012Epistemologies of Doing: Researching Online Museum Community. Presented at the Graduate Conference on Embodied Knowledge in Art and Visual Culture. Montreal, Canada.
2012Cultural Interactivity or Interpassivity: Managing Citizen Participation Online. Presented at the 14e Colloque pour étudiants et jeunes diplômés. Montreal, Canada.
2011Digital Diplomacy: New Strategy for Open Access to the Culture of Europe. Presented at the Culture Forecast Conference. Helsinki, Finland.
2011Cultural Diplomacy 2.0 through Online Museums Platforms. Presented at the 6th International Conference on the Arts in Society. Berlin, Germany.
2011Measuring Audience Engagement in Online Museum Communities. Presented at the 7th International Conference on Technology, Knowledge, and Society. Bilbao, Spain.
Post-Conventional Museum Diplomacies: Geographical expansions. Presented online at the Graduate Seminar for the Global Perspectives on Arts Management course, School of Culture and Communication at the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
2024Changing Diplomacy: Intergovernmental agencies and non-state actors. Presented online for IPSA International Graduate Summer School in Applied Diplomacy, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
2024Beyond Walls and Borders: Digital Assemblages of Museum Diplomacy. Presented online at the MA program "Public and Cultural Diplomacy" at the University of Siena, Siena, Italy.
2024Genealogy of museum diplomacy: From Gift Diplomacies in the Renaissance Europe to Global Trends in the 21st Century. Presented at the MA in Museum Studies and Curatorial Practices, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
2024Playing with data to map geographies of influence: Sharing geo-visualization research journey. Presented at the MA Arts Administration Program Public Talk, Boston University, Boston, USA.
2023Cultural Analytics and Mapping in the Arts Management Research. Presented at the Graduate Seminar of the MA Arts Administration Program, Boston University, Boston, USA.
2023Cultural Policy: Global Level. Presented at the Graduate Seminar of the MA Arts Management Program at the Department of Arts and Cultural Management, Hongik University, Seoul, South Korea.
2022Contact Zones of Heritage Diplomacy: Transformations of Museums in the Post-Pandemic Reality. Presented online at the Graduate Seminar of the Cultural Policy course, School of Culture and Communication at the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
2022Changing Diplomacy: Intergovernmental agencies and non-state actors. Presented online for IPSA International Graduate Summer School in Applied Diplomacy, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
2021Strategic management of international cultural relations in the post-pandemic world. Presented online for the MA Program in Management of Performing Arts and Industries, National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria.
2021Changing Diplomacy: Intergovernmental agencies and non-state actors. Presented online for IPSA International Graduate Summer School in Applied Diplomacy, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
2020Cultural Analytics and Data-intense Research Methods. Presented online for the MA Arts Management Program at Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast, UK.
2020Non-state Non-Western diplomats? What is Museum Diplomacy? Presented online at the Graduate Seminar of the Global Perspectives in Public Diplomacy course, School of International Service at American University, Washington DC, USA.
2019Museum Soft Power Mapping and Measuring. Presented at the Graduate Seminar of the Principles of Arts Management course, School of Culture and Communication at the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
2018Geo-visualisation of Museums Soft Power. Presented at the Graduate Seminar. Arts Management Program at American University, Washington DC, USA.
2015Digital Ethnographic Methods for Museum Research. Presented at the Graduate Research Seminar of the Museology Program at UQAM University, Montreal, Canada.
Convened, curated and chaired the International Symposium "Mapping the Global Impacts of Hallyu, The Korean Wave". at the LASALLE, University of the Arts Singapore, Singapore.
2024Convened the International Panel "Decolonizing Cultural Management Policies and Practices" at the 17th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, University Institute of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.
2024Convened and chaired the International Panel "Hallyu Ripples in a Connected World: Mapping Diffusion and Impact" at the International Conference "Mapping and Theorizing Hallyu", Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea.
2024Convened and chaired the Research Seminar Series "Interactions". at the LASALLE, University of the Arts Singapore, Singapore.
2024Chaired and served as a Discussant for the panel "Diplomatic Scholarship and Education Around the World" at the International Communication Association Conference, San Francisco, USA.
2024Convened and chaired the panel "Heritage in War and Peace in Asia" at the International Heritage Symposium. "Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage through Past, Present and Future". University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.
2023Curated and facilitated the panel "Reimagining Heritage for Digital Natives in Singapore" at the Communicating the Arts Conference. Singapore.
2023Curated and facilitated the International Panel "The Future of AI in the Art World: Promises, Perils and Threats" at the Communicating the Arts Conference. Helsinki, Finland.
2023Curated and chaired the International Panel "Mapping Soft Power of Hallyu, the Korean Wave" at the 2023 International Conference for Public Diplomacy. Seoul, South Korea.
2023Curated and chaired the Research Seminar Series "‘Glocal’ Agenda in the Arts Management Research: Interrogating, Redefining and Challenging Traditional Research Canons." at the LASALLE, University of the Arts Singapore. Singapore.
2023Curated and chaired Award-winning International Panel ‘International Research and Educational Ecosystem of Cultural Diplomacy as an Academic Discipline’ at the 2023 AAAE Conference: The Creative Ecosystem: People, Process, Power. New York, USA.
2023Curated and chaired the International Panel ‘Teaching International Arts Entrepreneurship? Pedagogical Implications, Challenges and Possibilities of Working Across Borders’ at the 2023 Society for Arts Entrepreneurship Education International Online Conference. USA.
2022Curated and chaired the Panel ‘Virtual Heritage Spaces as a Platform for Intercultural Communication’ at the 28th International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies themed ‘Synergies in Intercultural Communication: Languages, Professions and Heritages’. City University of Macau, Macau.
2022Chaired a Round Table discussion on Cultural Policy, Diplomacy and Institutional Theories at the Panel Session ‘Emerging Trends and Research in Developing the Oxford Handbook on Arts & Cultural Management’ at the 2022 Social Theory, Politics and the Arts Conference. Seoul, South Korea.
2022Curated and chaired the International Panel ‘Going Out’ Policy of China: Blind Spots, Pitfalls and Possibilities at the 2022 International Conference for Public Diplomacy. Seoul, South Korea.
2022Curated and chaired the Research Webinar Series GLAM and Digital Soft Power in the Post-pandemic World at the LASALLE, University of the Arts Singapore and Digital Diplomacy Research Center at the University of Oxford. Oxford, UK.
2020Chaired the Panel at the Annual Showcase MA in Arts Management Program, Queen’s University of Belfast at the ESRC Festival of Social Sciences 2020: Debate, Discover, Discuss. Bournemouth, UK.
2020Curated and chaired the Research Webinar Series Redefining Digital Keywords: From Digital Archaisms to (Post)Pandemic Neologisms at the Digital Studio, The University of Melbourne. Melbourne, Australia.
2020Convened and facilitated the Cultural Research Network global webinar Contagious Cities: Facing and Understanding the Pandemic.
2019Co-organised the Cultural Research Network Global Webinar Comparative Overview of National Cultural Data Sources.
2019Convened the Round-table Public Conversation Event Alice in Wonderland - Alice Around the World: Political Geography of Creative Content Mobility at The University of Melbourne. Melbourne, Australia.
2019Convened the Round-table New Perspectives on Non-State Diplomacy: Situating Empirical Framework in the Context of Non-Western Countries at the International Studies Association Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada.
2018Chaired the Panel Digital Heritage Workshop: What are graduate attributes and pathways at The University of Melbourne. Melbourne, Australia.
2018Chaired the Panel Diplomacy, Cooperation and Forging Alliances at the 25th World Congress of Political Science, Brisbane, Australia.
2018Curated Public Lecture Series Global Dimension of Cultural Entrepreneurship: International Inspirations Making Local Impact at the School of Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne. Melbourne, Australia.
2018Curated Research Seminar series Digital Humanities Marathon 2018 at the Digital Studio, The University of Melbourne. Melbourne, Australia.
2017Curated research seminar ‘Liberating Technologies’: Digital Cultures of Protest in China at the Digital Conversations Research Seminar Series, The University of Melbourne. Melbourne, Australia.
2017Curated Afternoon Tea Public Conversation panel: Competition or Collaboration? Cultural Diplomacy Institutes in Multicultural Melbourne at The University of Melbourne. Melbourne, Australia.
2017Curated research seminar The Digital Beyond: Living, Dying and Impossible Futures at the Digital Conversations Research Seminar Series, The University of Melbourne. Melbourne, Australia.
2017Convened the Panel More than a Library: Exploring Public Value of Europeana at the 2016 Europeana Research Award Winners event.
2017Convened the Panel Non-state Diplomacy from Non-Western Perspectives at the International Communication International Conference, Washington DC, USA.
Diving Deep with Hallyu Tracker: Data-Driven Insights into the Korean Wave. Presented online at the International Cultural Relations Research Alliance (ICRRA) Webinar Series, Singapore.
2024Digital Humanities Cluster: Sustainability of the Creative Sector in the Context of Smart Nation Singapore. Presented at the Digital Humanities Research Workshop at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
2024Metaverse as a venue for cultural diplomacy. Presented at the Research Seminar Gazing at the Metavrese at the National University of Singapore, Singapore.
2024Book Launch: Geopolitics of Digital Heritage. Presented at the LASALLE, University of the Arts Singapore, Singapore.
2023The Politics of Digital Heritage. Presented at the Research Seminar The Future of Digital Heritage at the National University of Singapore, Singapore.
2023Mentorship or Collaboration? Presented at the AAAE Membership Meeting at the 2023 AAAE Conference: The Creative Ecosystem: People, Process, Power. New York, USA.
2023Arts Management Education in Singapore. Presented at the Global Conversation Roundtable at the 2023 AAAE Conference: The Creative Ecosystem: People, Process, Power. New York, USA.
2023The Future Research on Cultural Diplomacy. Presented remotely for the Pre-Launch of the Book Research Agenda for Public Diplomacy (Prof Eytan Gilboa) at the ISA 64th Annual Convention ‘Real Struggles, High Stakes: Cooperation, Contention, and Creativity’. Montreal, Canada.
2023Translating Data to Power: Computation Tools to Assess ‘Soft Power’. Presented remotely for the Department of Digital, Media, Culture and Sport, the UK Government, London, UK.
2022Digital Cultural Relations: Digital Bridging, Digital Bonding, and International Development. Presented at the Virtual Launch of the Research Report on Digital Cultural Relations. British Council, London, UK.
2022Practice as Research & Research as Practice: Critical Digital Practice as Experimental Innovative Research. Presented at the Teaching & Learning Symposium, LASALLE, University of the Arts Singapore, Singapore.
2021Cultural Diplomacy in the Metaverse. Presented at the International Professional Seminar, ‘The Metaverse and International Relations’. International Cultural Relations (ICR), London, UK.
2021The future of Museum Diplomacy. Presented at the International Professional Seminar, ‘The sustainable development of International Cultural Relations’ as a part of the ‘ICR Futures’ project at the Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies, University of Warwick, in association with International Cultural Relations (ICR), London, UK.
2021Digital Heritage Diplomacy. Presented at the Roundtable Breaking grounds and rethinking heritage diplomacy. The International Society for Ethnology and Folklore Congress.
2020ICOM multilateral diplomacy through crowdsourcing. Presented at the International Organisations and Digital Diplomacy Book Launch. Jean Monnet European Center for Excellence.
2020What is next in Public Diplomacy Studies after the Pandemics? Presented at the Public Diplomacy Interest Group panel ‘Country Images and Public Diplomacy in Times of Global Unrest’. 2020 International Communication Association Virtual Conference.
2020Digital Museums and Their Soft Power. Presented at the Plenary Session ‘Museums in the Era of Post-Truth’ of the V International Conference ‘Media Education, Media Ecology, and Media Literacy: Digital Media for the Future.
2020Demo: Geo-visualisation of Museums Soft Power. Department of Digital, Media, Culture and Sport, the UK Government, London, UK.
2019Demo: Geo-visualisation of Museums Soft Power. British Council, London, UK.
2019From Digital to Algorithmic: Art & Diplomacy in the 21st Century. University of Brighton, Brighton, UK.
2019Museums in Smart Cities, Geo-visualisation Tools to Measure Urban Soft Power. The Australian Council for the Arts, Sydney, Australia.
2018Demystifying Museum Soft Power: Geo-visualisation of Museums' Influence. Cultural Research Network Global Webinar.
2018Demo: Geo-visualisation of Museums Soft Power. Presented at American Alliance of Museums, Washington DC, USA.
2018Demo: Geo-visualisation of Museums Soft Power. Presented at National Endowment for the Arts, Washington DC, USA.
2018Demystifying Museum Soft Power. Launch of the Dynamic Web Application Museum Soft Power Map. Presented at the Digital Studio, Melbourne, Australia.
2018ACMI X Research Internship: Benefits and Opportunities. Demonstration for the Arts Work Integrated Learning Showcase, The University of Melbourne. Melbourne, Australia.
2018Digital Humanities Research in Action @ The Digital Studio. Interview at Research Bazar, The University of Melbourne. Melbourne, Australia.
2017Digital Tools Facilitating Graduate Learning: Co-organizing a Public Conversation Event. Presented at the Digital Literacy Show and Tell Event, The University of Melbourne. Melbourne, Australia.
2017Developing Digital Methods to Map Museum 'Soft Power.' Presented at the Public Cultures Research Seminar Series, The University of Melbourne. Melbourne, Australia.
2017Mapping the Power of Museums. Digital perspectives: The art and science of visualisation and visual practices (Showcase). The University of Melbourne. Melbourne, Australia.
2017GuggenTube: Online Power of Global Brands. Presented at the Digital Studio Research Seminar Series, The University of Melbourne. Melbourne, Australia.
Member of the International Cultural Relations Research Alliance.
Member of the Europeana Network Association.
Member of the U40, UNESCO civil society group supporting 2005 Convention.
Member of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) UNESCO.
Communication Associate, Hermitage Museum Foundation, London, UK.
Directed online communication campaigns on social media.
DC Event Coordinator, Hermitage Museum Foundation, New York, USA.
Coordinated educational and community outreach events in Washington DC area. Organised documentary screening "Hermitage Dwellers" in the Russian Embassy Cultural Centre.